Intellect and Intuition

While faith is a central theme of how I live and make decisions, I realize it’s not for everyone.  I’ve known many friends over the years who have decided faith is no longer something relevant to them. There are lots of reasons against a life of faith that make sense to me. especially intellectual ones.  …

Flotsam and Jetsam

On the first day of class, the Dean of Students at the theological school I attended in Northern California gave a very important introduction.  I still remember it very clearly 33 years later.  He made a statement that made some students very upset.  I know better now what he meant and why he said it. …

Listen for the Prophets

It’s impossible to escape the myriad of opinions about this Coronavirus situation and what should or should not have been done.  Much of it is only rooted in anger, which is understandable. But these are not the voices to pay attention to.   Listen for the prophets.   A prophet is one who has a timely message …

We’ll Get Through This?

We’ll get through this. I’ve said that many times recently, cautiously I must add. I feel the need to explain what these words mean to me. In the midst of lawsuits and bankruptcy, The Admiral gave me these words and I recall them very clearly.  He said, “We’re gonna get through this. Trust me. I’ve …

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

My life-long love of gardening has taught me much about perspective in life.  I learned early on that there is something personally instructive about planning, planting, tending and harvesting an annual garden.  The earliest lesson on the farm it taught me was the importance of having something that required care and attention from me only. …

Getting Your Attention

You found this blog for a reason. My words are resonating with you. Something I’m saying is connecting but you’re not sure why. I don’t put a lot of stock in coincidence.  Instead, I believe in Faith, Hope and Love One other thing I believe. Someone is trying to get your attention. I believe this …

Keeping Fit

“Ladies and gentlemen, We apologize for the delay. We are doing everything we can to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.  We thank you for your…. ________.” You filled in the blank because you instinctively know that It’s the first thing most needed in all moments of crisis.   While it comes easier to some …