The Irish and Hank

Every year, I always look forward to March 17, St Patrick’s Day, as does a large part of the rest of the world. Have you ever stopped to wonder why? Why are we drawn into wearing green, drinking Guinness and eating corned beef and cabbage on that one day out of the year?  Some might …

Strange Fire

At first, I hesitated to use this picture because it may be easily misunderstood, but therein lies the risk of the writer when seeking to communicate below the surface. A few years after I moved into this house and it was evident that we would be here for a while, I built my kids a …

Certainty and Control

The recent news of yet another noted leader in the evangelical world is making the news for revelations of sexual misconduct. Instead of explaining the details, here is an article outlining the allegations against apologist and teacher, Ravi Zacharias. I am saddened by this news, but I am not surprised. As one who refers to …

Creativity and Loss

All loss isn’t equal. But all loss must be grieved. There isn’t a gold standard or a canon that outlines the right way to grieve. Loss hits us all so differently because the circumstances surrounding the loss are so different.  I only hope by adding my voice to the mix, there might be someone out …

How Am I Doing?

Grief is not monolithic nor unilateral. It’s multi-faceted. It’s nuanced and personal. The light fractures off my brokenness in a different array than yours. The colors that exude are much more than black and white. Grief is like a Venn diagram. There is a vast expanse that is empty and feels void. Most of the …

Dear Entrepreneur

Several years ago, I started writing posts to nameless entrepreneurs, offering advice from lessons I was learning from my business challenges. I have a chapter in my book with a few of my favorite entries. If I was writing the book today, I would include this counsel below. —————– Dear Entrepreneur, These are troubling days …

Something New

About that Chuck E. Cheese photo… Last week I began a series of Instagram posts depicting things that were gone or obsolete.  To each post I attached the words,  “Behold, I am doing something new. Will you not be aware?” My little project was misunderstood by some, leaving them wondering if I’m opening up a …

Pain Relief

The best is yet to come. Where do I get off claiming that? I recently read a writer who dismissed this statement, and other sentiments like it. She went on to say how life is hard and we’re all doing our best to just get through it.  Life throws so much hardship at us, she …

Show Up and Pay Attention

A year ago, as I was getting accustomed to my new normal as a widower, my first compulsion was to travel. Not so much to escape the pain. It’s not in my personality to run from discomfort. I’m more inclined to stare it in the face, knowing I have no intention of blinking.  I’m learning …