What You Don’t See

Words are powerful. I don’t take them for granted. I don’t like verbal fighting for this reason.  I’m afraid I will say something I regret. I’m usually a risk taker, but I am very cautious when it comes to speaking. In 2011, I was invited to present a talk at TEDx Lincoln on the topic …

The Parting Glass

Listen to The Parting Glass by Cara Dillon Those in attendance probably didn’t notice, but I held a wake last night. The book signing at Francie & Finch was a culmination of many years and of energy expended to sustain an idea. One that was bigger than the restaurant, Bigger than simple food and drink. …

Now What

I share these thoughts this morning with a disclaimer.  Grief is a personal journey. It is non-linear. It comes in waves. Sometimes those waves feel oppressive and induce a sense of drowning. Those who are currently in that ocean or have swam in it understand this first hand. But how one treads that tumultuous water …

How Are You?

I can tell by the hesitance on your face before you say it.  You try to catch yourself before the words come out of your mouth because you don’t want to do anything wrong. It’s because you care and you want to know, so let me give you permission to go ahead and ask. How …

About Last Night

I had a health episode that caused me to spend a few hours in the ER last night.  I had just finished signing books Sunday afternoon and said goodbye to some visiting friends.  As I closed the door, I felt my breathing change and had to sit down. My heart was fluttering in my chest …

Hippie Boy

Listen to Hippie Boy by Caroline’s Spine The power of music is manifest when I can hear a song, even at a lo-fi quality, and the spirit of the song reaches through whatever broadcast medium is delivering it.  I distinctly remember the viral video of Paul Potts’ audition on Britain’s Got Talent in 2007 Within …

Your Turn

I’ve written about some of my important songs this week.  I’d like to know some of yours. Would you post one song in a comment below? It could be something that spoke to you during a hard season, or uplifts you no matter what the circumstances. From your songs, I’ll put together a playlist my …

Up To The Roof

What in the world is Blue Man Group? Listen to Up To The Roof No discussion with me about  influential music would not be complete without the impact the Blue Man Group had on my life.  And since I will be seeing them a week from tonight, now is a good time to include them …