It’s impossible to escape the myriad of opinions about this Coronavirus situation and what should or should not have been done. Much of it is only rooted in anger, which is understandable. But these are not the voices to pay attention to.
Listen for the prophets.
A prophet is one who has a timely message for a specific moment in time. They are recognized by the witness that is borne inside. You hear their words and something in you resonates with what is being said. It’s a call to action, not an invitation to complain. They might be angry, but they also have something to say.
A very good recent example of a prophetic voice is from Julio Vincent Gambuto in an article titled, Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting. It’s a call to consider how this health crisis has damaged our social world and the choices that we each have in the process of rebuilding it.
“From one citizen to another, I beg of you: take a deep breath, ignore the deafening noise, and think deeply about what you want to put back into your life.”
Julio Vincent Gambuto, Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting.
The problem with prophets today has been true throughout time. Their message isn’t for everyone. It never has, and never will be. Because it’s usually disruptive.
But for those who have the ears to hear the meaning, those are the ones who stand to benefit from their words.
Our world as we once knew has severely changed. The prophets are here to say it can keep changing.
For the better.
Thank you for the encouragement to listen attentively. Deciding what to add back into our lives is more important than what we have shelved for the time being. It’s like going through the closet of seasonal clothes and deciding what still fits. Not everything makes the cut. Some items don’t fit right, so they get left out.
Great comparison. Thank you.