You found this blog for a reason.
My words are resonating with you. Something I’m saying is connecting but you’re not sure why.
I don’t put a lot of stock in coincidence. Instead, I believe in Faith, Hope and Love
One other thing I believe.
Someone is trying to get your attention.
I believe this because a crisis is an ample opportunity to garner it.
Faith isn’t for everyone. I mean, it’s freely and readily available, but it’s heard and discovered by those who have ears to hear it.
It’s for those who don’t know how to pay rent in a few days.
It’s for those who can’t sleep at night because the business is not going to survive.
It’s for those wrecked with anxiety by all the uncertainty of these times.
Some gave up on faith because it never seemed to do any good or make any difference. I’m not trying to persuade or sell something. I’m just a voice, speaking of what I have discovered in my most recent dark days.
There is Hope.
Some of you need a miracle, literally.
You may have lost your job and there is no money left in the account.
Some are contemplating the ultimate decision to escape and leave it all behind. It’s a choice that makes sense to the one making it. It’s hell for those left in its wake.
Desperation creates its own momentum.
I don’t know your story. I only know mine, and here is what I have come to believe.
Of the One Who Is Getting My Attention, I must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
That’s my faith. Plain. Simple.
I recorded a reflection on the Lord’s Prayer. It’s about 5 min long. If you don’t know how to pray, or if Hope exists, follow along and borrow some of mine.
I encourage you to listen, as Faith always starts by hearing.
Wow! This brought tears to my eyes. Very powerful.